Background & Purpose
Based on values of Mahatma Gandhiji’s life and vision to serve last person in a queue and as a moral responsibility of citizens of this country to serve society, we like-minded person decided to come up with an auspicious idea of founding an NGO- “Shubhan Netraseva Trust” to work for the tribal area of Navsari district.
This trust aims at providing eye care services to poor tribal people in the vicinity of Vansda taluka and adjoining areas of Dangs, Navsari, Tapi and Valsad districts with some part of Maharashtra. We have expertise in eye care and that is the sole reason we want to start an eye Hospital in the area. We want this hospital to provide all sub-specialty of eye care
services under one roof with good quality irrespective of any kind of discrimination based on Caste, Colour, Creed and Community at the cost poorest of poor can afford. The level of eye care will include prevention, promotion, treatment and rehabilitation of people with various eye diseases.
We surveyed the areas and realized that tribal area of Vansda and surrounding areas of Navsari, Valsad, Dangs and Tapi Districts and areas bordering Maharashtra state are underserved as far as eye care is concerned. This tribal belt is a continuation of the eastern tribal belt stretching from Ambaji till Dharampur and beyond. This area lacks eye care facilities of tertiary level. Tertiary level Eye care facilities other than cataract services are only available at Surat which is approximately 100 kelometers from this place and 150+ Kelometers from interior villages of Dangs and Tribal areas of Navsari, Dangs, Valsad and Tapi districts.
It would be great service to the people of the area to start an NGO Charitable Trust Hospital so that eye care need of people is met and Blindness in the area can be reduced to great extent.
“Shubham Netraseva Trust”- which is a registered charitable trust, primarily focusing on total Comprehensive eye care in the tribal area of Vansda Taluka and adjoining tribal areas of South Gujarat and Maharatshtra. This hospital will also train good quality eye doctors and eye care assistant cadre to bridge the gap of resource constraint countries like India.
Trust will honestly try to reach out to needy and unreached communities by providing good quality eye care services and by transparent administration.
The following eye care services will be provided at Vansda by building a hospital under Shubham Netraseva Trust:
1. Cataract (All varieties with latest techniques)
2. Glaucoma
3. Cornea
4. Retina
5. Pediatric eye care (Eye Care need of Children)
6. Plastic Surgery of eye with trauma repair (Oculoplasty)
7. Neuro-Opthalmology
8. Low Vision Services
9. School Vision Screening
10. Rehabilitation of partially sighted and totally blind people including Children
11. Cataract outreach camps and speciality eye care/disability camps
12. Running vision centres at small towns to take care of local people’s eye care
13. Training of all cadres of Eye Care (Includes Eye Surgeons of India and
Abroad, Ophthalmic Technicians and Ophthalmic Nurses and other support
14. Research- Clinical and Public Health Research
Apart from this we want this trust to start a hospital which will be a training and research Institute of national and international repute. As human Resource is greatly lacking in the field of eye care we will start training of ophthalmologists and also Ophthalmic assistants and Operation theatre Technicians and other various cadres in eye care. We want this hospital to collaborate and network with other national as well as international hospitals.
We believe such a huge task of building and managing eye care trust is not possible without support from Philanthropy minded people and total initial proposed budget is 10 Crores including Land Purchase. But to
start with small hospital Trust needs at least 3 Crores rupees. Expenditures of both 10 Crore and 3 Crores have been posted on the website.
We appeal all philanthropy minded people to generously donate for below mentioned items.
1. land (at least 1 acre near Vansda town)
2. Funds
3. In-kind donations (Vastu-dan)
We all trustees humbly and earnestly appeal to all to donate for this noble cause of serving rural tribal people of the areas of Dangs and Navsari-Valsad- Tapi districts of South Gujarat and Bordering state of Maharashtra.
Looking forward for your kind support.
Thank you so much.
In Service to Humanity,
Board of Trustees,
Shubham Netraseva Trust, Vansda.